The Gospel. Plain and Simple
I remember that i was sitting with my wife and we were talking about which projects had a lasting impact on us. By this time I worked a couple of years as a freelance videographer so I had done quite some projects. I was thinking "there has to be something that stood out these couple of years". Truth was, that it was hard to think of something. It had nothing to do with insecurity. We all have this problem sometimes as creatives that we're insecure about our work and therefore we can't think of anything that we're really proud of. But that wasn't the problem.
As I was thinking, all the projects went through my head. The thing is, I liked doing the projects that I do, it's a way to serve other people and help them. But I came to the realization that none of these projects really fulfilled me. I was longing for more.
Suddenly this project came to mind. It was a project that I made a couple of weeks before. It was the project "The Gospel. Plain and Simple". Of all the projects that I did, this one was the most simple one I made. But it was a project that I really liked. It's a project where I could tell what I wanted to tell.
All this time I was searching for "my thing", something that always has been an issue by the way. Something that some of us find at the age of 4, and something that some of us will never find, even if we reach the age of 80 years.
I never liked anything in school. I did some sports but that didn't make it either. I went to a dance education, which was great at the time, but shortly after it I didn't see myself doing this for the rest of my life. I did a pedagogical study for a few months but stopped with it, because again, it wasn't "the thing" I was searching for.
And now I found it in the simple gospel of Jesus Christ.
To be honest, it felt stupid. I almost felt embarrassed to say to my wife that this was the project that gave me the most fulfillment. Immediately I was thinking: How can I make money of this? Am I going to to these projects full time or part time? What can I do with his theme? Who wants to be part of this anyway? All sort of questions that are good to think about, but they aren't the most important questions to have answers to. The main thing was to tell the gospel. It's like what Jesus said in Matthew 6:
“Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble."
We talked about it and slowly the idea grew on me. And that's how it all started. It is a prayer that was slowly but surely being answered. All the projects that you see on this site are a result of this conversation and of the prayers that have been prayed.
After 9 mini projects, I see that this is something I really love to do. I hope there will be more resources available in the future so I can focus entirely on projects like these. And even if that doesn't happen, my goal is to keep doing these projects, big or small, to preach Christ and Him crucified for the sins of the world so that whoever believes in will have eternal life and will not perish.