Tell Her
A short story about a man who needs to tell something to a woman. He doesn't need to declare his love to her. Instead, he needs to declare the gospel to her. 
What do you say when you tell somebody about the gospel? Can you explain the gospel to them? I know I couldn't do that a few years ago, even though i called myself a christian. But it is essential for christians to be capable to explain the gospel to the people around us.
Some only tell about God's love, and some only tell about God's judgement. It's always good to have discernment in situations to either tell about His love or judgment, but eventually people have to know about both of them. If we only tell people about the aspects of God we like, we are making an idol of God.
And this can be exciting, especially in a culture where we want to talk a lot about love, judgement seems like a harsh word, and we rather avoid it then talk about it. 
But let's talk about the grace of God with those who see their need for a savior. And let's warn those who are self righteous and think they don't need a savior about the judgement of God. 
It's important to do all of this with love. To love someone is to be willing to tell the truth even when the truth hurts. 
Now go and tell her/him.