This shortfilm tells the story of a girl called "Sininen" who found an unopened letter written by her father. He passed away and hoped that the feeling of loss would not turn into bitterness but would bloom into hope. He knew her temper and prepared her with a story, where she plays the main character, which guides her to her final destination. You will find here a shortfilm where spokenword, acting, dancing, music and northern images will come together as a whole.
Concept: Ken The Disciple & Tushar Changoer
Cinematography: Ken The Disciple
Music: Tushar Changoer
Audio Mixing & Mastering: Tushar Changoer
Actress: Jutta Salmela & Pauliina Kittïla
Costume Design: Pauliina Kittïla
Behind The Scenes: Johnny Haze