The Necessity Of Stories
Stories are more fundamental to our life than our basic need of food, clothing and shelter. After all, if there is no story to live for, why should we even care for anything at all? “Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die.” (Isa 22:13)

A Dark Cloud
A story about a journey into the darkness in search of a loved one

The Essence of Worship
Worship is a state of the heart. To worship God is to worship Him with all of our being. We worship Him with the things we say. We worship Him with the things we listen to. We worship Him with the things we look to. We worship Him with the things we think. We worship Him with the works we do unto others.

The Incarnation
The birth of Christ is one of the biggest events in history. Because this means that the Saviour has come to save us. But from what was He supposed to save us?
He needs to save us from sin. Save us from the judgement we deserve. Because all of us have sinned and therefore all of us deserve the eternal judgement. All of this could sound awful, but the birth of Jesus brings hope to a fallen humanity. The story doesn't end here.

Speed Date
Until now, Amber has seen the same type of guy over and over again. When she meets Wesley, all of this changes.

Love isn't vague, it's concrete. Jesus is clear that it means to love God and neighbor. To be clothed with love is to be clothed with Christ.

Unwitting Scoffers
God's name is being mocked by christians more often than we think. It's not only when people use 'Jesus' as a curse word. God's name is being mocked while we watch all these sex saturated, curse filling and godforsaken scenes for fun on a screen. Somehow our discernment seem to be gone when we allow our eyes to see these images.

A lot of people think: "I first want to finish (__) —fill in the blank— before I think serious about this Jesus thing". We postpone again and again, just like we hit the snooze button in the morning again and again, not knowing it's time to wake up.

Tell Her
We all know that feeling. We have to tell somebody that one thing that is really urgent. We tell them, sort of. But when people close to us ask us about it, we get confronted with the reality that we actually didn't tell them anything at all.

Spiritual Food
All too often we prefer the bag of chips over healthy food. It just tastes better. Don't do the same thing with your spiritual food (John 6:26-27, 35, 54-56).

This shortfilm tells the story of a girl called "Sininen" who found an unopened letter written by her father. He passed away and hoped that the feeling of loss would not turn into bitterness but would bloom into hope. He knew her temper and prepared her with a story, where she plays the main character, which guides her to her final destination.
You will find here a shortfilm where spokenword, acting, dancing, music and northern images will come together as a whole.

"You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness." (Ephesians 4:22 )

Tomorrow May Never Come
A short story on the procrastination of making important decisions and their consequences.

Timeless Truth
"It's either the world and it's pleasures and it's gods. Or it's Christ. Which is it for you? Who are you choosing?"
This is a visualisation of a sermon from Billy Graham in which he pleads with his audience to make the decision of following Jesus.

Are we willing to listen to others who tell us what to do? Are we willing to put our trust in the government?
If so, why are we unwilling to listen to God, who stands above the government, if He tells us what to do and what is best for us?

"If there's anything the tolerant don't tolerate,
it's when someone challenges their view."

We all search for our own truth. But there is a person that says that He is the truth, and His name is Jesus! We have to examine if what Jesus says is true. Because it is either true or not, there is no way in between. Not all religions are true.

Het allermooiste verhaaltje van de hele wereld
Can you explain the gospel to someone else when asked? If not, no problem! We were thinking about how to tell this to a child, in simple words, and here is the result, a father who tells this story to his daughter.